Specializing in the treatment of eating disorders

Psychotherapy is a collaborative learning experience between therapist and client. Through understanding and guidance, individuals can uncover underlying issues that may be contributing to unhealthy beliefs and behaviours. Therapist and client work together to modify these beliefs so that new, more productive actions can occur.
Successful therapy generally involves numerous approaches that, combined, look at the whole person and system rather than focusing primarily on thoughts or a specific behaviour. Some of these approaches are psycho-educational in nature and can involve cognitive-behavioural methods, art, role play, and reconstruction interventions. Individuals struggling with eating disorders tend to numb out their bodies and focus on thoughts and obsessions. By using a holistic approach, the mind and body can be reconnected and therapeutic change can occur.
With therapeutic shifts, issues that once seemed unbearable or irreversible become understandable and manageable as clients learn to observe things from a different, more useful perspective. Clients often will notice changes around their perceptions involving negative body image, social isolation, and obsessive thoughts. Addictive behaviours can become minimized or disappear completely after therapeutic change.
It is always encouraging to hear recovered eating-disordered clients talk about how they feel free, unburdened, and that they can’t believe they thought and acted the way they did when they were ill. They come to realize that the disorder significantly and negatively impacted their thoughts and behaviours and, when they are in a healthy place, are able to see things differently and act in a more useful manner.